This is Collected Works

Here are our books

What is Collected Works?

Collected Works is an experiment in books. There are no ebook readers, extra downloads, or new apps—just your inbox.

Get great works of literature to your inbox in bite-sized chunks or chapters every day when you sign up for a book.

What can you read right now?

Here are the books we have available now:

👩‍❤️‍👨 Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen

When you click and confirm your subscription to either book in the form, you’ll get the first chunk right away. Then, every day until they are done, you’ll get the rest of the book in bits.

Why Collected Works?

Because we want reading to be less daunting, there are so many books you’ve been told to read or wish you could say you read, but the idea of having a large book in your lap or buying it somehow stops you.

So, we’ve made it easy! 5-10 minutes a day, and you’ll be the most well-read person you know by a nautical mile.

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